Graphic Design

5 Graphic Design Mistakes That Are Costing You Real Money

Graphic design is a powerful component of any business. It can tell people who you are and what you offer, and it also plays a significant role in communicating your brand values. The way you design your website and other visual elements also has a direct effect on how people see your business. Not all graphic design mistakes hurt businesses equally, but they do impact businesses in some way or another.


Not Having a Style Guide

You've got a logo, you've got typefaces and colours. You're ready to roll. But wait! Take a step back and think about how all these elements are used together. It's easy to get so swept up in the excitement of creating a brand that you forget some basic principles of style guides.

By having one consistent way of organizing your logos, typefaces, and colours, even if it seems like overkill at first glance, it will be easier for other people who work with them (or use them) on an ongoing basis to understand what they mean by using specific elements from one project to another.

This is especially true if there are multiple employees involved; without a style guide everything becomes much more difficult than necessary because there won't necessarily be any consistency or uniformity among different pieces of collateral materials produced throughout the course of business day-to-day operations.

Having a poor logo design

Most people are aware of this, but it’s important to clarify: your logo design is the face of your business. It’s a brand that represents what you do and how you do it. The first impression someone will get when they see a logo is critical—it’s what causes them to stop and take notice or keep scrolling through their Instagram feed.


This is why so many companies spend thousands of dollars on their logos every year. A poorly designed logo is going to be an easy mark in any market because it doesn't reflect the quality or value of a company's products or services. If people don't trust your company because they think it's cheap or low-quality (and there's nothing worse than being associated with something like that), then getting them as clients will be even harder than usual because no one wants to work with someone who doesn't know how to run their business properly!

Forgetting the Basics of Colour Theory

The basics of colour theory are something that every designer should take a moment to understand. Colour is one of the most powerful tools in graphic design and can easily make or break your audience’s perception of a brand. Understanding how different shades, tones, and hues work together will help you better communicate with your audience.

  • Understand how colours interact with each other. When using multiple colours in your designs it’s important to keep an eye on how those colours interact with each other visually. For example: green and red are complementary colours which means when placed next to each other they visually “pop” and can appear more vibrant than if they were by themselves (think about Christmas decorations). However, red and blue create a neutralized effect because they have opposite values (i.e., one is warm while one is cool). Using these strong contrasts can create striking visuals but also might cause problems if not paired correctly!
  • Know how many colours are needed for branding purposes before starting any project! Most brands need only one primary colour plus its secondary counterpart (examples include Facebook blue + purple; Target red + orange) in order to fully embody their identity across all channels effectively without diluting its message too much over time due to adding more shades/tones down the line later on...
  • Make sure your colours are web safe, and they look similar on all platforms, online and printed

Improperly Using White Space

One of the most important design tools you can use to create a sense of order, structure and balance is white space. White space is not something you want to avoid; it’s actually a powerful design tool that can help your business stand out from the crowd.

White space is not “blank” or “empty” space, but rather the area on a page that is not occupied by text or graphics. This may seem like an odd thing to think about until you consider how much more appealing many websites look when compared with those that are over-designed with multiple colours, fonts and images all competing for attention on every page.

A good rule of thumb in web design (and print design) is to leave enough room between elements so they don't look crowded together too tightly. If there's too much going on at once within your layout—or if everything seems crammed together in one small area—it will be difficult for visitors' eyes (and brains!) to make sense of what they're seeing because there isn't enough separation between elements in each section.

Fonts are hard to read

You probably think that you've got your fonts down pat, but you might be making some mistakes. Fonts are hard to read. Fonts should be easy to read on the web and when printed. They should be easy to read on different sizes of mobile device, and they need to look clean and crisp when displayed in different sizes.

typographic anatomy.png

So how do we make sure our type looks good? Here's a quick guide:

  • Don’t use too many fonts! It’s tempting, but it will only cause confusion among visitors (and probably drive you crazy too). Stick with one or two main fonts—one for headlines and one for body text—and then mix it up by switching out italics or bolding when necessary.
  • Use sans-serif typefaces for body text because they're easier for people with poor eyesight or dyslexia (or both) than serifed fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond. If you need something more readable still, choose something like Century Gothic instead of Arial Black; otherwise, there's no reason why sticking close enough looks bad either way since most people don't notice small differences between styles unless they're pointed out repeatedly over time

Graphic design mistakes can cost you money.

We know that graphic designers are busy people, and sometimes it can be hard for them to keep on top of the latest trends. But there’s one thing we think every designer should be aware of: mistakes in their work can cost you real money. This is because there are some common design mistakes that happen over and over again. And we don’t just mean those silly design fails that make us laugh. We’re talking about mistakes that cost companies time, money and reputation by making customers feel unimpressed by their brand experience – or even worse, cheated out of something they paid for!



As you can see, the graphic design of your business is important for your bottom line. Don’t let a bad logo or unclear fonts cost you money. If you need help with your graphic design, let us know! We are here to help!

Contact us for more info.